
The Land
Everything starts with and depends on the land. Karst Topography is the dominant feature here. Thus, we not only have to worry about the surface, but also the cave system underneath, which is one of the reasons we have rejected application of petrochemical herbicides and pesticides.
Our Cattle
We raise small framed Galloway/Angus cross cattle. Being roughly 70% the size of commercial breeds, they are easier on the land, while still producing well marbled beef efficiently on pasture.

Calves are born primarily in May & June, about the same time that deer fawn. By respecting Nature's schedule, we have found that mothers and babies do better. This is in contrast to commercial beef calving, which typically happens in January and February, when fresh grass is not available.
We do not administer hormones, antibiotics, pesticides (wormers and fly treatments), or vaccines to our livestock. Regular pasture rotation effectively manages most health issues in our cattle. If a bovine requires antibiotics, we will provide treatment. Any beef that has been given antibiotics is removed from our program. Cattle have resilient immune systems when given an opportunity.

Although our cattle are fed a 100% grass diet and they consume whatever grows naturally in the pasture, it's important to note that we do not use any herbicides. As a result, our pastures and hay meadow are abundant with clover, which the cattle absolutely love. The flavor of the meat can be influenced to some extent by the animals' diet. During the winter months when there is no available forage, we provide them with hay that is harvested right here on our farm. The only supplement we offer is Redmond's Trace Mineral Salt.
Respect and low stress are the words that best describe our approach to managing and handling cattle. Our beef never experience a cattle prod. They spend their entire lives on pasture. Our handling pens have rounded corners and are designed for low stress handling, ala Temple Grandin.

Rose Veal
Rose Veal is a rare form of beef, only available in early Spring. Shortly after their mother weans them, usually at 10 months old, we will process them. They are the best of two worlds with the flavor of our regular beef, but with the tenderness of veal. Ours are raised on pasture (just like our normal beef) with their mothers until they are naturally weaned by their mothers.
Born and raised on our farm, naturally weaned, and spending their entire lives on pasture, our beef are harvested between 24 - 30 months of age.

We employ a local family owned and operated processing facility, where our beef is dry aged for 14 days. All cuts and burger are vacuum packed for durable freezer storage.