About Us
R. Lacy & Viola Sarver purchased this 250 acre farm in 1952, raising beef conventionally (for the time). In 1980 Lacy decided to forego feeding grains, converting the farm to 100% grass fed. "If they can't thrive on grass, I don't want them." Their daughter, Layola, took over the farm in 1999. Robert Doering, Layola's son, took over running the farm in 2006, purchasing it in 2008.

The farm was named Sarver Heritage Farm in honor of Robert's grandparents. In 2007 Robert and Jewell were married. Shortly there after they began direct marketing their beef, largely to avoid contributing to the commercial beef industry, which they found unsavory. Today they run about 120 head of cattle, counting cows, calves, and bulls, producing some of the best grass fed beef in the region. Layola still lives on the farm with Robert and Jewell.